Umpire does not meet the expectation for this competency. e.g. Consults with
partners unnecessary or doesn't consult with partners when necessary.
The umpire shows inconsistency in meeting this competency. e.g.: Necessary
consultations take too long to come to a decision; all members of crew are
not involved in consultation when appropriate.
The umpire consistently meets the expectations of this competency. e.g. Umpires
meet when consultations are necessary and a speedy decision is made with the
entire crew.
The umpire exceeds expectations by getting together as a crew when needed and
handles the situation efficiently. Umpires meet in a timely manner to discuss
rotations etc., if a rotation is missed.
The umpire far exceeds expectations for this competency. This is demonstrated
through unusual or unexpected circumstances. This would be over and above what
is listed in "Accomplished".