Umpire does not meet the expectation for this competency. e.g. The umpire
misapplies a rule and refuses to get together with the crew to get the call
right. The umpire must be de-briefed after the game.
The umpire shows inconsistency in meeting this competency. e.g.: The umpire
misapplies a rule but gets together with the crew and gets the ruling correct.
The umpire must be coached after the game.
The umpire consistently meets the expectations of this competency. e.g. The
umpire doesn't misapply any rules but doesn't have any unique
situations happen throughout the game.
The umpire exceeds expectations by applying all rules correctly and may have a
couple of non-routine situations happen throughout the game.
The umpire far exceeds expectations for this competency. The umpire has multiple
non-routine situations happen throughout the game and applies the rules correctly
for each situation.