Umpire does not meet the expectation for this competency. e.g. Umpire is
consistently out of position early in the tournament and does not show
improvement as the tournament goes on.
The umpire shows inconsistency in meeting this competency. e.g.: Umpire is
consistently out of position early in the tournament but shows improvement
as the tournament goes on.
The umpire consistently meets the expectations of this competency. e.g. The
umpire is in good position throughout the tournament.
The umpire exceeds expectations by being in great position throughout the
tournament as a result of great instinct and anticipation of plays; is
observed covering for or helping their partners be in the right position
for plays.
The umpire far exceeds expectations for this competency. This is demonstrated
through unusual or unexpected circumstances. This would be over and above what
is listed in "Accomplished".